I got it

Posted: August 12, 2017 in Uncategorized

Chapter six is finished and chapter seven has begun, but more importantly I got my 1000 words for today. And it was not easy!

You would think that sitting in a chair and just typing the words in my mind would be easy. Sounds easy, does it not?

It’s not as anyone who writes will tell you. Sure, Stephen King can write 2000 words a day, EVERY DAY, makes it sound easy but he is a prolific writer and has been doing it professionally for years.

Even he sits butt in chair and writes his words for the day, every day.

Any writer will tell you that the ability to sit butt in chair and get word count for the day is not easy. At least the ones who are truthful about it.

The thoughts and the notes, and the notes on the thoughts, combine to distract a writer all the time. It’s part of the process, they tell me. You have to make your butt stay in chair, they tell me. Yeah, I’m not too fond of they and their telling. It’s not easy to sit butt in chair and get word count.

But I did it today amongst the all the notes and back reading of the story and the reading the notes of the beginning of the original story…I had to go back and double check, do some additions to my notes, and change the outline of the outline because I have added some chapters.

But I wrote and I got my butt to stay in chair long enough to get my word count. I’m trying to do 1000 a day, and I’m pretty sure chapter seven words are crap, BUT they are part of my 1000 word count so there they will stay until I revise. Um, or go back and add to/delete some/rewrite something as I did chapter six.

Well, I forgot that my protagonist did not ask about his mother the queen and since that is why he is in the capital, and talking to his auntie, he might be just a tad curious about the beginning. Yeah, I thought so, too, so I went back to six and added some more words with gave me a total of 526 there.

Then I started chapter seven which gave me another 505 words. In total I wrote 1031 words today. Um, among the handwritten notes and addendums to the notes of some of the chapters that I had to rearrange because I forgot about the commander. I only count the words I write in the book itself. Notes and blogs do not count as word count. I’m trying to be a better writer.

I’m a good writer, I had two professional writers tell me so, but to be a better writer I need to sit butt in chair and get word count.

My protagonist has to talk to the commander so that’s a whole new chapter. Yes, that is important. No, I can’t tell you why, right now, why it is important. But it is important and has to be written before the caca hits the fan. The commander will be important later but the protagonist has to reinforce what the others have told the commander so yep, new chapter.

So, butt in chair long enough, on two separate times, to get my word count. Yay!

Read ya later!

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