plotting my solution story and…

Posted: August 21, 2023 in Uncategorized

I just had to sit butt in chair and plot. I have the premise, know what the story is about, have antagonist and protagonist, but no plot. DANGIT!

So, I am determined to plot the stupid thing out, at least in rough outline, to get it going.

However, my tooth story reared its unfinished head and demanded to be plotted, too. What is a writer to do? SERIOUSLY?

Yeah, I started the plot on the tooth story too. geez

Oh, but wait, there’s more.

I had a couple of NEW ideas pop in my head. SERIOUSLY? 🤨

And I stopped and jotted some basic notes before I lost the ideas. Fortunately, the ideas did not demand to be plotted. Thank the writing gods! geebus

So, I have started the solution plot and the teeth plot. No, neither one is complete yet. Leave me alone!

And that is where I am at today. Two plots in the beginnings of being plotted and some new ideas that need to be researched. *sigh*

But it’s a good day and I am writing! Yay me!

Read ya later!

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